Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to find the good niche site ideas

    The main point to get successful to do with the affiliate program is choosing the niche. The general blog is death in the 2014 unless you have the giant of contents can generate a lot of traffics. Focus on one niche of something will be the best choice for beginners. Choosing the niche site is not hard. You can choose what you know most about something and starting develop the ideas about what you really know.

The first thing to get any idea is brainstorming. This is the basic type of writing skills that people have been taught in the school. You can write down what you know, and what do you like. Writing down the ideas will help you determine what do you like the most because if you like your topic, you can searching, figure more information about  your topic and gather together to help you building your niche site.

If you still can not find the good topic, you can look for the personal background about yourself or your parents, your friends. For example, your friends is really fat before but he/she get slim right now. How do they do that just ask them to get more information learn more online sources and building the niche sites about how to challenge their obstacle to get successful of diet.

Your reader is going to be the fat people that is looking for some information that helps them get weight loss. Therefore, you can write about some information of the products that may help them to solve their problems, and give them the extra advice such as the pros and cons of this product to satisfy their demand. 

Clickbank is the popular affiliate program that many blogger are making money daily with their blogs. Clickbank content a lot of information products such as the secret tips of something or ebook , software program , all of those are called digital products. This type of product may seem hard to people to buy it because it it not physical thing. However, clickbank provides the good commision about 75% of revenue for you. If you can promote the right product to the right people, they will likely to buy it because they really need it. You can earn good money from clickbank.

If you do not like to promote digital products, you can sign up for amazon associate program to promote the physical products that makes highly percent of sale from your readers. 

After you find the good products to promote, you can go to google and search for the competitive sites that you can learn and write more details to provide more information for your visitors. 

When you write the review of products , you can focus on the longtail keywords because right now, the supply of knowledge exceed the demand of people and the simple keywords have highly competition that why longtail keyword are going to word for new bloggers rank on google. You can use the keyword tools of google adword to analytic your keyword. If you want to use this tools, you have to register the google adwords account for free, after you signed up, you you to the tools -> keywords planner-> type the longtail keywords for your plan and choose the higher searching monthly with medium competition keywords. You can choose the low competition with high rate monthly searching  but the number of them is very rarely. 

Now, you can wrap up everything and do the extra analytic longtail keywords for every post and launched your blog. 

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