If you are looking for the easy ways to make extra money online without spending time to build a website, writing something or selling products. Those ways require a lot of time and effort to get successful. In this article , i am going to introduce to you the simple way to make extra money online at home without spending much time.
Adf.ly is an innovative service that allows you to earn money from each visitor to your shortened links. This service work really simple, you just click on the link from here to sign up for free as the publisher and confirm your account by log in to the email that you signed up and follow the instruction. Once you have an adf.ly account, you can log in and start to shrink your url websites, your files that you want to share for everyone. After you shrinked your long url is going to be look short like http://adf.ly/?id=6197124. This is called shortened link.
Once you have shortened your links and you can share for your friends or any other people in the world to click on your links and you will be get paid by that. Adf.ly does not care where is your referral links, so you can use the social network to share with your friends such as facebook, twitter or other social network that allowed you to put your link on that. The the most effective way is twitter if you have a lot of followers. The other way to get people click on your link is youtube, this is the popular way to promote your links without needed followers in the twitter. You can make the video about something that people interested in and under the description field you can put your adf.ly to share for people. Youtube is the best place to do with adf.ly
How much you can earn is the most question that everybody want to know after joined this service. You can earn the specific amount of money by 1000 clicks. The amount of money can vary in different country, The US and any other from european countries have high paying rate about $5 to $7 per thousand clicks. Click here to see the rate of your countries
How will it pay you ? you can request withdrawal your money if your balance have at least $5. The payment occurs once a month. They pay out via paypal and payoneer. $5 is the minimum payout of paypal. $10 is the minimum payout of payoneer.
You can click on your own link to test how it work but do not click regularly because it is fraud.
Adf.ly shortened link service is the simple way to make extra money online by sharing the link for people who interested on it. If you are the people like to share something for your friends, you can start today to make extra money from your work.
Here the payment proof:
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